Watch Out, Facebook
Facebook thinks I'm into graffiti. A few weeks ago, when the social media network overhauled itself for the umpty-hundredth time, it transformed the information page in my profile into a list of links...
View ArticlePre-Crime Policing
To hear them tell it, the five police agencies who apprehended 39-year-old Oregonian David Pyles early on the morning of March 8 thwarted another lone wolf mass murderer. The police "were able to...
View ArticleHow Should Justices Judge?
In the confirmation hearings for Elena Kagan, Americans will hear a debate over how to interpret the Constitution. On one hand are conservatives who preach strict adherence to the framers' intent. On...
View ArticleConfiscating Your Property
In America, we're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Life, liberty, and property can't be taken from you unless you're convicted of a crime.Your life and liberty may still be safe, but have...
View ArticleEverybody Loves Rand
In what Politicocalled“the first clear statewide victory by the disparate national tea party movement," Rand Paul, a Bowling Green ophthalmologist and the son of libertarian-leaning Rep. Ron Paul...
View ArticleWhatâ??s a Diploma Worth?
Every schoolboy knows that education leads to worldly success and material reward. “If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him,” Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard...
View ArticleHonolulu's Solution to Government Corruption? Regulate Private Contractors
The City of Honolulu contracts out its parking garages to private operators. Usually, that's a good thing, as long as the contracting is on the up-and-up. That's apparently not the case in...
View ArticleLeave Them Tubes Alone
As there is no real problem with the Internet, it's not surprising that some of our top minds have been working diligently on a solution.In a 2001 interview (one that only recently has gone viral and...
View ArticleHOT Lanes and Toll Tunnel Could Alleviate Congestion in Honolulu
Honolulu congestion ranks among the highest in the nation, with a travel time index higher than many metropolitan areas much larger. According to the Texas Transportation Institute, the Honolulu...
View ArticleThe Faltering Euro
The Euro keeps tumbling as international investors are loosing faith in the Eurozone. The currency has so far fallen 14 percent against the dollar this year.There is fear that contagion could trigger...
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